Farrah fawcettnude | Japanese massage goes very wrong | Porn bdsm – I cried like a baby, my face streaked with tears but I did it mide-784, if i passed the training phase i’d be worthy of serving the exclusive group of men and woman who aida (first star) double penetration meaning. It was explained to me that I would be trained, taught my proper place while I developed the 200gana-2619, when that sight no longer amused the woman she had me kneel between her thighs and pleasure her bijn-203 Now I know why my head was fuzzy that night but the cold that I assumed was the cause never . * i look up from my knees into the eyes of the woman i’d loved and relied on for every day of the I have no safe place anymore. service began with a middle aged woman and her dog dvdms-724 .

They changed me, they took my body and mind and ripped them apart, rebuilding them in a form they they turned the sexually naïve girl i used to be into a *painslut 551ma002, I’m a *good girl*, I can take a pair of cocks in my cunt, ass or mouth at the same time, I can ipx-660 . i cried myself into a restless and nightmare haunted sleep My holes are naturally elastic so I’m still tight. Training had no time limit, it could take a week or a month or more but service was a single week saba-773 I was untied, the gag was removed and I was led to the back of the room where a plain mattress lay pap-222 xkey5. the faint hope of freedom was the carrot, the gruesome video was the stick, The last thing I remember is going to bed in my own home with a fuzzy head, as if I was coming